Saturday, April 11, 2009

Plan for April 26 worship service

Service for April 26, 2009

The Marimba Calls Us To Worship - Ben

Greeting and Announcments
Greetings from Estoreño Presbyterians - Ben

Prelude - Raul (the Guatemalan one!)

Call to Worship - Carlos

Hymn #472 PH - “Cantad al Señor” - Sing in whichever language you want

Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession - Carlos

Declaration of Forgiveness - Carlos

Sung Response ? (Debbie may have an idea)

The Peace (in Kek’chi) - Perry

Sending of the Children?

Prayer for Illumination - Ellen
The Psalter: Psalm 133 - Ellen
The NT Rdg: Romans 1:8-12 - Jane
The Message
- Jane
- Lowell
- Ben & Luke
- Ellen
- Soni

Hymn # 377 PH: “Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore” - Whichever language
Prayers of the People - Lowell lead; Perry? Ben? Work on photos - Have photos being projected on the screen PLUS pass around baskets of photos for people to take with them to remind them to pray. Let all these photos call us to prayer for the people and churches of Estoreno Presbytery.

Then lead into other, general prayers of the people.

The Offering - Should we remind people that we have a separate special “Guatemala Partnership Fund” which they can designate money for at any time during the year???

Offertory - Marimba video - Ben

Response: “Unidos, Unidos” - Carlos or Ellen finding

Prayer of Thanksgiving - Perry

Closing Hymn #432: “Song of Hope” - Sing first in Spanish, then in English

Blessing and Sending
Alleluia! Amen.

Leading today’s worship service include the members of the team which recently made a visit on our behalf to Guatemala: Ben, Ellen, Jane, Lowell, Luke, and Perry; also assisting are Carlos and Soni who were both very instrumental in planning for this trip.

-- Jane

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